WINTER SALE now on l FREE shipping on orders over €59 l Happy Christmas.


Skinny or Bootcut? High or Regular waist? Black or Blue? Distressed or Classic? Choose from our range of jeans here at Sola - we have something that will suit all tastes and styles!

Cargo Black Denim

Red Button


Jen Cord - Khaki

Red Button


Rome Jeans- Winter White.



Elly Jeans

Mos Mosh


Babette Denim

Red Button


Naomi Cedros Jeans

Mos Mosh


Carla Naomi

Mos Mosh


Carla Deluxe Jeans - Black

Mos Mosh


Carla Deluxe Jeans

Mos Mosh


Ferya Weekend Jeans

White Stuff


Naomi Achilles Jeans

Mos Mosh


Naomi Jeans

Mos Mosh
